
Maximising Your ROI at Expos: Top Marketing Tips

by | Aug 9, 2024

Maximising Expo ROI

Exhibiting at an expo is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your brand, connect with potential clients, and ultimately drive sales. To ensure you’re making the most of your time and investment, we’ve compiled a list of top marketing tips tailored for exhibitors and small businesses. These strategies will help you engage with your audience and maximise your return on investment.

1. Take a Video for Your Socials

Videos are a powerful way to engage your audience. Create engaging and informative video content that highlights your products or services in action. Consider sharing customer testimonials to build credibility and interest. Make sure your videos are eye-catching and shareable to increase your reach.

2. Use a Retargeting Ad to Re-engage Those Who Viewed Your Video Post

Retargeting ads are a great way to keep your brand top-of-mind for those who have already shown interest. Use eye-catching visuals or special offers to entice viewers to return. Highlight the benefits of retargeting, such as increased brand recall and conversions, to encourage further engagement.

3. Run a Social Media Ad Geofenced Around the Expo Venue

Geofencing your social media ads allows you to capture the attention of attendees at the event. Craft compelling ad copy and visuals that resonate with the expo audience to make your ads stand out. This targeted approach can significantly increase your visibility and engagement at the event.

4. Leverage the Event’s Hashtag in Your Social Posts

Using the event’s hashtag consistently across all your social media content is essential. Engage with posts using the hashtag to boost your visibility and network with other attendees. This strategy not only increases your reach but also helps you become part of the event’s community.

5. Post a Selfie with Another Exhibitor and Tag Each Other

Collaboration and networking are key at expos. Posting a selfie with another exhibitor and tagging each other can amplify your reach. Use captions that highlight mutual benefits or shared goals to foster connections and demonstrate your collaborative spirit.

6. Collect Email Addresses for Your Email Database

Building your email database is crucial for ongoing engagement. Offer creative ways to collect email addresses, such as digital sign-ups or QR codes, and stress the importance of having a clear call-to-action. Providing value in exchange for contact information can help you grow your list effectively.

7. Host a Contest/Giveaway to Collect Emails

Contests and giveaways are excellent for generating excitement and collecting emails. Provide guidelines on creating effective contests, such as clear rules, attractive prizes, and easy entry methods. Encourage participants to share the contest on social media to increase reach and engagement.

8. Send a Post-Event Email Follow-up

Following up with a timely and personalised email is crucial. Highlight the importance of segmenting your email list to tailor messages to different audience groups. A well-crafted follow-up email can reinforce connections made at the expo and encourage further interaction.

9. Invite Post Likes to Follow You on Facebook, and Invite Exhibitors to Follow Your LinkedIn Page

Personalise your invitations and highlight the benefits of following your social media pages, such as exclusive content or updates. Engaging your audience on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn helps maintain the relationships you establish at the expo.

10. Follow Up with Personalised Messages on LinkedIn

After the expo, connect with new contacts on LinkedIn and send personalised messages. Mention specific conversations or interactions to strengthen relationships and keep the dialogue open. Personalisation helps solidify the connections you’ve made and fosters long-term engagement.

Check out this article for more ideas on building your social media community.

Additional Tips

Create a Landing Page for Expo Attendees

A dedicated landing page on your website for expo attendees can provide exclusive offers, downloadable resources, or additional information about your products or services. This page can serve as a hub for all your expo-related interactions.

Engage with Attendees in Real-Time

Utilise social media stories or live videos to engage with attendees in real-time during the expo. Showcase behind-the-scenes moments or interact with attendees to create a sense of immediacy and connection. Real-time engagement can significantly enhance your presence at the event.

Utilise Visual Storytelling

Compelling visuals, such as infographics or photo collages, can capture attention and effectively communicate your message. Use visual storytelling to highlight your brand or products in a way that resonates with your audience.

In a Nutshell

By implementing these tips and strategies, exhibitors can effectively engage with their audience and maximise their return on investment during the expo. Whether you’re showcasing a new product or looking to build lasting connections, these strategies can help you make the most of your expo experience.

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About the Author - 3am Ideas

3am Ideas is digital marketing agency focussing on providing data-driven services that get measurable and trackable results.

Based in Perth, Western Australia, we've been looking after small and medium-sized businesses since 2014, having worked with clients all over the country.

Our aim is to adopt the role of Virtual Marketing Officer for you, becoming part of your team, sharing in the successes, the blood, sweat and tears.

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